Sunday, November 21, 2010

Halloween 2010

So I know it’s been a while since I last posted, but we have been busy, busy, and busy!  We had Halloween come and go by fast!  This year Savannah was Alice in Wonderland, she makes a pretty cute Alice don’t ya’ think? 

Jackson, of course, went as Mario (only his second favorite person in the world); he was so excited for Halloween this year!  It may have something to do with all the Halloween decorations in our area, the fact that he wanted to watch Winnie the Pooh’s Heffalump Halloween Movie every day, or that we ran down past “Witchie Pooh’s” tri-weekly for a month.  Jackson kept wondering when it was that we’d actually ring on these doorbells and “go inside”.
 Miles went as the ever trusty sidekick, Luigi.  It was something else putting a mustache on the kid, but he looked pretty cute and seemed to enjoy the spectacle of it all. 

We did the annual trick-or-treating downtown Saturday morning and in the evening our church did a party and a trunk-or-treat.  And then the following evening we went out trick-or-treating.  The kids were so excited, especially to stop by at Witchie Pooh’s.  I guess she’s something of a legend in Albany lore, she’s been dressing as a witch since Mike was a lil’ tyke.  So I think Mike was eager as well to stop by.

 It was so much fun to watch the kiddos.  Jackson was especially animated!  Then we ate over at Mike’s mom’s house and oh boy there were so many trick-or-treaters stopping by there.  The kids would constantly run over to the door every 5 minutes or so and hand out candy.  Savannah loved it, I think the handing out the candy has become her favorite part this last year.  Jackson got a kick out of it too, until one little boy came dressed as a werewolf.  Jackson stopped dead in his tracks, just frozen staring at this monster candy in hand.  Luckily Savannah wasn’t as apprehensive and handed the boy his candy.  Crisis averted!  Then we headed to our neighborhood.  It was a long night, but also very fun.  Towards the end of it Jackson was delirious, walking the wrong way cracking up at everything, making jokes-it was adorable!  Savannah was anxious to get home to pass out more candy.  She was a little disappointed to only have a whole four trick-or-treaters stop by.  And honestly I was disappointed too; on account of I bought 2 bags of candy!  Once we were home the kids loved looking through their loot, we played a game, shed some tears and then it was officially done and over-Halloween 2010.
Jackson wasn’t too fond of the “pumpkin guts”

Savannah surprisingly loved the “pumpkin guts”

See Jackson’s face (above), its cause Daddy made this face.

The finished product (love the lashes Savannah)!
Jackson’s scary pumpkin face! (Don’t mind the moldy pumpkin face)