Friday, September 30, 2011

What!? I'm in the mood to post today!

Hallelujah!  Just got news that our insurance actually paid more towards Jackson's dental I actually get $$$ back!  Woohoo!  I can't tell you how much anesthesia + surgery center + dental bills has amounted to cost wise!  Like Mike and I could have had another baby this year!  It's insane!  But oh so worth it!  Check out that sweet smile (healthier too!)...worth every penny!

Savannah Can Climb a Tree

Savannah errs more on the side of caution.  It's her nature.  So you can imagine my surprise when she decided the other day she wants to climb a tree!  Well ok, sure!  And she did awesome.  I'm constantly amazed at her capabilities! What an inspirational daughter!


We waited all summer for a ice cream truck to finally come to our neighborhood.  And ya' know what the last couple weeks of summer vacation she finally came!  As soon as we heard the melodic tune the kids and I scrounged up what cash we had and ran after that truck.  It must have looked ridiculous a woman and her three little ones in toe chasing down the ice cream truck!  But luckily she saw us and turned back around and our summer dreams finally came true!  I can't tell you how excited these lil' ones were!  And for a girl who grew up in the country(far away from the luxuries of ice cream trucks and delivery pizza), how excited I was too!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

See this Lil’ Rascal here?

Well this morning while I was busy in another room, he reached into his diaper and pulled out some poop!  Yes the four letter p-o-o-p!  And I had no idea!  And my daughter had mentioned to me “umm…mom, Miles is looking for you”.  So by the time I saw Miles he was in our poorly lit hallway and I could tell he was distressed about his hands.  Lately he’s been pinching his fingers on things or hurting his hands somehow and he ALWAYS wants a MOMMY KISS to make it all better!  So I thought, he was playing and must have hurt his hand, so out of habit I bent down and kissed his lil’ hand.  To my horror, it smelled a lot like POOP on that sweet angelic hand!  That’s when my daughter exclaimed “mom, I don’t think you want to do that” (thanks for the fore-warning Savannah)!  Oh my gosh, one of my worst fears was materializing before my very mouth!  I must say though, usually I go into all panic mode whenever poop is involved. I’ve been known to up and  walk out of my house, get Ben and Jerry’s Magic Brownie Ice Cream, leaving my husband to do the so called dirty work (ok so maybe that only happened once, but I swear I’d do it again if needs be that poop ends up all over my floor(again)-I hates da poop!).  But today it must have been one of those miracles I’ve been praying for because I calmly hosed down my loved one, quarantined the culprit’s room, and proceeded to sanitize vigorously sed room.  Not to mention the washing, brushing, and gargling of every inch of my mouth.  I told my husband, which he thought was hee-larious!  And now I’m telling you…I’m not laughing about it yet, but maybe someday I will or I can share this story with his future girlfriends or something!  Anyhow you’ll have to excuse me now I’ve got to go a gargle/brush for the trillionth time today!!!!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Our Garden, Part Deux

So here I am reporting 2 months later that our garden is doing awesome!  We’ve been eatin’ zucchini from our garden the last few nights.  You’ll may have noticed the over-crowding of the garden, that’s on account of when I go out to buy vegetables I go buck nutty!  But so far it’s been good!  And Mike assures me that in a couple weeks we should have carrots!  Mmmm….fresh garden carrots!  I’m so stinkin’ excited for that day!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Right now its midnight, what I should be doing is sleeping.  No actually what I’m really supposed to be doing is cleaning out my garage, but I can’t I’m too pooped!  But I’m too wired to sleep yet…does anyone else do this?  Also right now I have my bedroom window open to let the cool night air in…and I can hear Mike and Jackson outside on the hammock talking (I guess someone else who’s supposed to be sleeping isn’t)!  It so sweet though, they’re looking at the stars and camping out on the hammock tonight, Jackson loves it, he is in heaven.  I’ve heard them talking about bears, transformers, and Christmas.  Mike is truly an amazing dad…he loves giving our kids so many opportunities to experiencing life!  Thank you Mike for teaching me countless valuable lessons about parenting, love, and life as well.   

Sunday, June 5, 2011


So Mike and I are excited to start a garden this year!  We had one last year, and what you know it actually yielded vegetables!  So we're going all out this year, we first picked up some wood from Home Depot, nailed it together, and get this we put newspaper down in the box (this supposedly kills the grass) and sprayed it down so it was nice and wet.  Now who do you think enjoyed this...
well hello handsome!
...yep, if you guessed the boys then you were right on!

Had to throw in some relaxin' time too!

Savannah even pitched in to help!  Doesn't she look so thrilled?

I love this picture, her hair it looks like a greek goddess, well a whiny greek goddess...

Savannah gettin' to relax with her friend Elena

Miles and his cousin, Rosie...he just loves her!

Jackson and Hannah

Umm...Miles would you mind cleaning that dirty window for me?

Well I better go, apparently these windows aren't going to clean themselves!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Savannah's Baptism

Saturday was a very special day in our family.  Savannah was baptized and confirmed in our church.  She was pretty excited but, of course a little nervous about the aspect of being completely immersed in the water!  Jackson was also excited for this day too; on the way there he kept saying “Sissy’s going to go swimming like Jesus.”  Then he kept asking when it was going to be his turn. Although after he saw Sissy going all the way in, he has yet to ask for his turn since.  Savannah had a ton of people turn out to support her, it was very moving.  Especially to see some of our friends who were there for Savannah and I, when we first joined the church.  Savannah was only 2 years old then!  And now she’s so grown up that she’s getting baptized!  (sniff, sniff).  My greatest hope for her is that she can grow and develop her relationship with her Father in Heaven and come to rely on the love of her Savior, Jesus Christ.  What an amazing first step she took on Saturday!  
Don't you love how excited Miles looks?

Celebrating at Red Robbin afterward 
Our Manny and Papa (what my kids call my parents) came too!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Slowly increasing my time staring at the computer...

 I have a really good excuse for not being diligent with my blogging!  It’s called my husband uses our only computer for full time work and school.  Pretty good excuse, huh?  Well a couple weeks ago I had my birthday and you know what he got me, my very own laptop computer(did I just sound nerdy by calling it a laptop computer?)!  I know, spoiled!  He told me it’s my “window to the outside world”.  Well I am so excited to be able to re-start blogging, peruse thru delicious recipes, print coupons, upload photos, read my favorite blogs, and connect with friends on facebook!  So goodbye days of obscurity and hello to the glasses I’ll need to fend off late night computer glare! 

Let me post some pictures of my darling children to make it all better!

Savannah's 8th Birthday Breakfast

Visiting Sissy at her school on her birthday!

And getting sang "Happy Birthday" to

Manny brought her presents!

Making her rainbow cake

8 years old already!!!  It cannot be!

Slumber party buddies!

Show me your silly faces!

Mmmm...rainbow cake

Snug in their sleeping bags

He always finds the most interesting sleeping positions!

Savannah, Cody, Scott, and Miles at OSU gymnastic meet!
Jackson and Daddy at OSU

Savannah and Daddy on St Patrick's Day

Not sure what to do with the jello jiggler...

....But Sissy knew exactly what to do with it!

And Jackson, not to be outdone by his siblings!

Care bear stare!